notes to people growing into themselves [4]
may you find what you need ❤
I think there’s an opportunity for you to know that joy and love (that aliveness feeling) comes from the inside out. Outside events, things, relationships are expressions of love, not sources. See if you can meditate on having all of this inside already.
I feel like there is almost a grasping of things externally to satisfy this connection that knocks lose your footing and makes you feel ungrounded. Does that sound right? What if you practiced closing your eyes and diving within when you feel you are reaching for something outside of you to give you that feeling of love, surety, and peace?
With this area, think of your attention like a bruised cat. You want to veeerrrryy gently introduce and share actions and ideas with your subconscious. It’s ok, kitty, it’s ok. Let the process be soooo gentle and slow. No rush at all. You’ll get it.
The secret is to respect your subconscious’s reluctance. There must be deep programming that rejects or runs counter to money being easy, abundant, and fun to manage (possibly from ages 0–6 that you picked up). If you ‘scare’ this part of you, it will shut down and you’ll find yourself ‘asleep at the wheel.’
There is no shame in this at all (HUGE POINT). You aren’t responsible for what you ‘woke up to’ and it will take time to reprogram. Let it be something you are working on and through, rather than thinking it is you.
When you aren’t accepting yourself, what is happening in the mind? When you are, how does that change? In both situations, what is the impact on your effectiveness, experience, enjoyment?
<hug>> What about this idea:
when your mind is super active and you’re not sure wtf it actually wants, pretend it’s a loud radio station on at the grocery store and you tune it out and bring your attention and effort external. It seems like there’s an opportunity to un-identify with the noise and chatter — the mind isn’t you — and let it ebb and flow like the tide, while being, the thing underneath, is always the same.
It’s like you’re taking back the authority to host the party. The mind is now a guest and isn’t in charge of entertainment anymore. You want to be nice to it because you do business together, but when it’s acting a fool, you don’t need to engage with it. You can comb through comments for anything actionable relevant* and let the rest fall flat.
I think this is a great area to add more language and clarity. Maybe some podcasts or books or youtube videos on money management. If we’re looking at this like the gym example you gave, you start with what you can easily do and know. Then pick up more info and apply. Then practice and get good at that. And then more.
With ‘budgeting’ really it’s just ‘allocating resources’ towards what you really want. Which sounds like stability and a sense of security because that makes you FEEL good to do the other things in your life. When you’re making those decisions in the field, how can you remember that you’re showing love to yourself by being aware of your real needs and wants
I work with clients at a metaphysical level to align their minds & lives with their unique genius. In 2 to 4 months, we can breakthrough limiting beliefs and connect you with your purpose, path, & power. You can learn more here or text 504–507–0488 to schedule an info call.