notes to people growing into themselves [7]
may you find what you need ❤
This sounds like it’s a total fold, but jesus christ is it effective — when you feel that, lay down on your back, put one hand on your chest, one on your belly, and feel the feels. Breathe and acknowledge every feeling.
I feel anxious about ddfdfdo.
I feel worried about iwehgoeh
I feel sad about heigohwe
I feel ehgiwhgo and hwoighe
and let yourself hear and acknowledge those feelings.
“Yes, you feel that.”
“I hear you say that you feel that, it’s ok.”
“I can see that you’re feeling some type of way.”
No explanations for yourself or others. Just witness yourself
Also, I can’t say enough about crying. Energy is moving through you. Think a big rock in a pond. The rock = the changes. The pond = you. The water is the same and there is nothing to solve. Just let it move through you.
Your mind has been a great tool to you and you’ll be able to lean on it in some of this process, but mostly, if you’re interested in getting to the other side of this experience, let it be what it is → energy in motion. Experience, witness, be with it. And if looking for jobs right now is impeding that process, than take a holiday. A mid-career self-connection special edition iknoweverythingisgoingtobegreat camp.
Sometimes stress, emotional or physical, can cue the body that it’s in survival mode. Which translates to “HOLD ONTO EVERYTHING.” Before playing with adjusting calories, try adding a breathing practice before and after eating. Two or three deep breaths while you think, ‘Hey body, everything is good. You’re good. I’m good. I love you. We’re doing it.”
❤ it’s a big deal. Often we get feedback early in life about what works or doesn’t in interacting with others. Unfortunately, not all of that feedback comes from people or environments aligned with love and truth. So the feedback loop (‘do this and you get this reward’) isn’t transferable to more expanded or love-based areas. Recognizing when you do something that is uncomfortable and it having a positive return on investment helps realign your patterns to more expansive results.
Belief reworking is one of my favorite things. We might even be able to jiggle it loose a little before our call. You know, if you thought about it, I bet you’d find that any other internal work you wanted to do and zeroed in on, you got done. So really, it’s just a matter of time before these ones fade away into oblivion.
Observe yourself (lovingly, curiously) at home and the world. Notice when you do OR receive things easily. It might feel like comfort, competency, or second nature. In those instances, what is happening? What are your assumptions about yourself, your abilities, the thing, or the other party(ies)? You can play with mixing that information with the info you gathered from the first investigative reporter activity. What are the similarities in what you see? What are the gaps?
I work with clients at a metaphysical level to align their minds & lives with their unique genius. In 2 to 4 months, we can breakthrough limiting beliefs and connect you with your purpose, path, & power. You can learn more here or text 504–507–0488 to schedule an info call.