notes to people growing into themselves [6]
may you find what you need ❤
With the job, I presume you asked for feedback. It’s really tough to say. Again, who tf knows what’s happening on their end. Could be money or leadership or personalities. In any case, the fit should be F YAH on both sides. If it isn’t, you’re dodging a bullet. While it’s sad to let that possibility close and it’s def helpful to let yourself feel it, when you’re ready, you can look at what it showed you you prefer. What was in that job or company that was exciting to you? What did you learn about what’s out there? What can you do to better position yourself for that type of opportunity?
Like everything, context helps a lot.
When you’re making a decision, pretend there’s a button for you to press that ‘blows out’ the scene so you can see how it works with other things in your life — whether that is a related obligation (like a bill) or an intangible (like a stress).
When we spend, eat, or use any resource (love included) in a way that we know is misaligned, it’s usually a signal that we’re in fight or flight. Just scared. This can be residue from old trauma. Any time your resource use feels scattered, it’s a great time to take a couple breaths, come back into your body, and soothe yourself until you’re Here again, like Really Here.
What you’re saying is great — just do the best you can with what you have and learn as you go. As long as you stay open along the way, you will undoubtedly improve how you understand the details. The body is incredibly complex. “Optimal training and nutrition” are complex, but that doesn’t mean that you have to sit it out until you understand every piece.
One Step At A Time ❤
lol at how much you love to practice. What if it wasn’t a merging of the two, but allowing? Two eyes, left and right, allow for perception not accessible to one alone. Is it possible to have these slices of you collaborate? Are there others? What if you invited them to be part of your benevolent human advisory board? They each contribute their take and you, the highest, hear them and use the info as best you can as you need.
For the week, that is some really powerful noticing.
1. Great awareness. Like I keep saying, this is a beautifully developed tool that will be immensely useful for the rest of your journey. It might feel good to recognize that that skill made the space between what is and what’s possible pretty friggin uncomfortable. Meaning, the tension you’ve felt is a result of you transcending the patterns that created the gap. Sorta of like it jostled you awake.
2. So it seems that we learn a lot from our moms in how to get what we need from the world — love, security, etc. Everything is fractal, right? Moms seem to represent how we nurture/receive life/give life to ourselves. Whatever environment she created to cue you to be what she needed, isn’t her fault. She is a result of the forces of her environment. I know you know, but it seems helpful to really ground that. Compassion is a great sub for a lot of emotions.
You have the awareness to believe things can be different and you’ve chosen to awaken to new possibilities to end that pattern. We can talk more about how to explore this relationship to help you during this leg of the journey. In the meantime, keep looking for examples of how boundaries, acting and feeling from center, and being true to your higher/broader perspective is actually best for everyone. Even mom.
You’re so smart and amazing and loving and funny and vibrant and thoughtful and kind. It’s really wonderful to know you and be with you. It seems odd to be like, ‘relax into that and know you’re great,’ but it’s really the end game of all it. To just enjoy being yourself (whatever that might be that moment) instead of trying to be what we think other people might need or like for one reason or another.
First, if you haven’t already today, let’s breathe. 4 or 5 deep, slow ones, please.
I work with clients at a metaphysical level to align their minds & lives with their unique genius. In 2 to 4 months, we can breakthrough limiting beliefs and connect you with your purpose, path, & power. You can learn more here or text 504–507–0488 to schedule an info call.