the gilded spectrum transit [ a serial ] chapter 3
The plan for the day, made. The lunch outdoors, done. The snow piled up outside as we pressed more firmly into each other, swaying on the edge of a harmony.
Dancing occupied more of our afternoons these days than any other activity. What we were into was always changing. We liked it that way. And now it was just a string of those moments until we prepared for the superimplosion.
‘Superimplosion’ sort of catches your attention, doesn’t it? You think, ‘that must be a big deal.’ And while it is, it definitely is not. A superimplosion occurs most readily when wires of intention cross.
Sure, press pause, ask questions.
You probably forgot all about intention wires, too. Here’s the deal — the part of us that exists on, let’s call it the ground side, collapses time when we touch it. We touch time when we open to the moment’s significance.
Kinda like this — imagine a conveyor belt of chocolates that ran by and by all hours all days. You pull a chocolate off to sample it, to really taste it. This is what happens when you touch time.
You taste it.
You open to its significance.
If you do this with a desire enhearted, then you activate an intention wire.
If your desire matches the desire of the system, its intention wire, the wires cross and a new possibility track is born. Not always but most likely it will be shorter than those existing. Think of it like train tracks at a switcher. The train will continue on track A until it switches to B or C or something else. These superimplosions create custom-made destination-created switches where there were none.
If you wanted to say all of that more tightly, it might be like this:
when you know what you want in the moment and it matches what’s wanted by the system, you draw AND open a door to enter a reality that now includes the experience of that which was desired darn near instantaneously.
This superimplosion removes time and effort from the system.
It’s the most energy-efficient way to create.
Not the only.
Not the most popular,
But arguably the best.