what is reality? written June 1, 2018

Shaylee Edwards
5 min readNov 2, 2021


Original Photo, New Orleans 2021

Below is a summary of the model of reality I’ve been fine-tuning.

Editor’s note: My tone is very “This is how it is…” but I, of course, realize that words are not an adequate container for truth, that every angle is equally valid, and everything, including what is true, is always expanding.

My primary AICM takeaway is that everything is all good.

This is in conflict with many theories that include a devil or evil, or site a negative force to fight. I feel rather intensely that our experience is a projection of what we expect. And similar to the safety a player would have in a video game, there is nothing Real at stake. Each element in our experience is equal and of the same substance — love/light/consciousness. It sounds fairly extreme and detached (and is), but it’s the highest truth I can feel.

From what I’ve read in ancient eastern texts (and even western ones) the assertion is the same:

I am god.

God is me.

I am you.

You are me.

God is love.

Everything is god.

Nothing is separate.

I’ve been immersed in this space for a while and have found that the Abraham Hicks teachings are the most unaffected presentations of this truth. Meaning, the channeler allows the messages without fear or personal reservations. Ego (there is something to do or preserve) is the biggest filter for truth.

After reading ACIM in 2016, I decided to live life as an experiment and found that this relaxed grip on ideas of how things Should be allowed me to let go of programs (vibrations) that I carried hereditarily, from home, and as being a part of society. It wasn’t until I had nothing to conform to or assert that I could allow for my misperceptions of pain and lack to come to the light.

Everything that is seen or felt as ‘not god/love’ is a misperception and therefore nothing actually needs to be fixed or healed, only our awareness. We don’t have wounds to heal — we have the perception that we can be wounded to heal.

That whole adventure took about a year and this year my focus is my focus. What am I creating with my thoughts? What is my emotional state? Am I vibrating in alignment with truth (abundance, pure possibility, love, god, oneness)?

Training my mind to know what Is, in theory, will allow me to paint this reality as I wish, constantly fine-tuning my experience through contrast. Things will always present to say “Oh, I don’t want this,” which are opportunities to say, “That means I want this…”

Seeing everybody and everything already in perfection and wholeness takes the pressure off to save the world. As all that we must do, IMHO, is live in alignment with joy. That frees others because it expands their minds as to what is possible, plus vibrations are catching :)

My biggest challenges to this point were 1) worth and 2) allowing.

I feel like I’m working out the tail end of those tangles now, but it wasn’t possible for me to come into alignment with truth because of the depth of rejection I experienced from my parents since I was born. I felt unworthy at a subconscious level and I couldn’t think my way out of it because I couldn’t read the label on my jar :)

Working with these women ( spiritunleashed.com and barbruhlhealing.com ) in conjunction with meditation, intense desire, and consistently choosing to be uncomfortable, helped me get at that root.

Allowing is now my opportunity and means this to me:

I get a prod of creative desire or intention and immediately register it and then switch to a position of gratitude and expectancy, rather than constantly checking in to see where I am relative to where I want to be. The awareness of the gap doesn’t put you in vibrational alignment to receive.

By focusing on it not yet being true, you vibrate ‘I don’t have this” and because you vibrate “I don’t have this” you can’t receive it. You’re not a vibrational match. So allowing to me is now a practice of allowing myself to feel gratitude and faith that things are always unfolding in the best way possible for me and to radiate excitement and joy.

I’ve been running this whole experiment on instagram. I love to contribute content and voice to the topic, and it is my deepest desire (as a result of everything I’ve experienced and consciously/unconsciously asked for since birth) to inspire others to free themselves from suffering with a paper/video trail and good humor :)

Notes as of now, now being November 1, 2021:

Whatta trip. Good lord. What’s wild is that I’ve been walking circles around the same few questions, maybe just variations of one, for years. Since I wrote this, I was led to see and feel darkness. Widen and deepen, as it was.

Do I still think what I wrote above is true? God being good, life being safe. I want to. It makes sense to actually. When you look at the implications of perception on genetic expression, physiological functioning, cognitive processing, & general quality of life, there is no upside to thinking otherwise. Which is to say whether it’s true or not doesn’t really matter. What matters, when I stay with what we can see, is are you allowing, accepting, and loving of your personal experience? Everything else really is counterproductive.

And maybe today then, as I’ve been looking for an occasion to allow this to be true again, I let myself put down the dark stuff. The past few years, after writing this, I dove into it so I could clean it up. But it didn’t need to be cleaned up. It just needed to be seen and loved. Which I guess, upside down as the world may seem to me now, is a choice I can also make about it. And everything.

Well then, that settles it. I don’t need to contemplate what is not God as it serves no Real purpose.

& the circle is now complete ❤



Shaylee Edwards
Shaylee Edwards

Written by Shaylee Edwards

Divinely-supplied and practical-to-apply insight, tools, & healing to love yo'self & do your thang.

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